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Walt Clark Middle School

W.E. Are Cougars

Achieve, Respect, Engage

Jon Sharp, 6th Grade Math teacher and Athletic Director

Mr. Sharp was this year's recipient of the Colorado Athletic Directors Association Middle School Athletic Director of the Year! 

Congratulations to the winners of the essay sponsored by "Nordson Tech Time Challenge."

6th grader, Jade Weir, 7th grader, Ella Pearson and 8th grader, Heber Natter each won an iPad.

Monarchs hatched in our Butterfly Sanctuary
Monarchs hatched in our Butterfly Sanctuary

Monarchs hatched in our Butterfly Sanctuary

LLLB provides new shovels for students to plant gardens, and build a RC Track for STEM WCMS!

THANK YOU LLLB for replacing our old splintery 30 year old shovels! 

Greenhouse Spotlight

Mr. Miller's class is checking out soil composition and learning the importance of microorganisms. We are really looking forward to seeing all the produce the students grow as we venture into Spring.

CSU Staff Day

WCMS Staff at their community building and goal setting days at CSU's Canvas Stadium! Go Cougars!

Web Leaders


Our 8th Grade WEB Leaders mentor our incoming sixth graders on orientation day and on a personal level throughout the year.

We had an incredible group of student leaders provide tours and a Q & A panel for our CSU practicum students!
Student Leaders

We had an incredible group of student leaders provide tours and a Q & A panel for our CSU practicum students!

Marble Champions

Mr. Wilson, 7th Grade Language Arts, assigns the story "The Marble Champ" by Gary Soto. Students follow a similar path to the story as they begin learning how to play a new sport, marbles. 

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